
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Importance of Education in Human social Life

The only property of human beings that increases when shared with other people. The light that shows a correct path in darkness without any source of light. The weapon that makes a country developed without any violence. Human gave a name to a word that includes all this qualities as Education and this word played and still plays a vital role in humans’ life.
 “Humans” we people are known as intelligent only thanks to education or the knowledge that we get from our parents or teachers or elders without education we can't or couldn't have reached into this era as we all know this era has developed lots of machines that helps us from our daily needs to big factories. This era is also known as a machinery era.
 A country can be well developed only if the citizen of that country is well educated and has view on changing the countries view. If we take an example of a country in Asia than we can find more than 3 quarter of people are still illiterate 2 quarter of people might be able to recognize the alphabets but they cannot read fluently and only a quarter of population might be literate. As there are many illiterate population in a country that country is not well developed which leads to poverty to the country. As the country is poor there is lack of job opportunity as there are no job opportunity the literate population sift from one place to another in search of job they might migrate to abroad for their better life stander and in search of job or for his and his families bright future.
 In search of hob the person goes abroad than in his native country there are lacks of literate population who can develop their county. Most of the literate people migrate to a developed county. For an example we can take one of the well developed country if Europe. There are more literate than illiterate or there might be none of the population is illiterate. It is only because of the education stander there is higher than the countries of Asia. In Europe the education is compulsory until a fixed age. And as it is compulsory to everyone people there are literate and can make their country developed which attracts the literate people of developing country to come and work for them.
 The education system also differs from country to country. Most of the European country applies the practical education
 system where as in Asia we apply mostly theoretical education system. Teachers in Europe they teach their student understanding there psychological wishes and in which subject they are interested and where they have got a better future. Student there are free to choose their own way and are self responsible what they are going to be in their future. Teachers are only there to guide you and to explain the things what you don’t understand and the rest you have to do yourself in your own. Here they also learn their students by experimenting methods than only with theory which is more efficient to capture for students their mind. When they read something in book they are habituated to do it practically and see what the result is instead of believing only what the teacher says them.
 Where as in Asia half of the population are still uneducated. It is only because of the mentality of not sending their daughters to school thinking that they should go to their in-laws house and don’t have any used of education there. They still do have the mentality that girls should only keep them busy in house holding works. Most of the girls still don’t know the outer world. They are busy in feeding their brothers who go to school. They have to wash their school uniforms and have to make sure that everything is “ok”. So if the girls are illiterate than they can’t educated their child which leads also illiteracy to that child.
 If the students are educated than most of the students are only with theoretical knowledge they cannot bring out their theory knowledge into the world. Their education is only limited in books and nothing else. It is only because of lack of enough equipment available in school to experiment with. Here students get their class in mass of student where teachers are unavailable to give enough attention to every student present in the class so it is rarely
 acceptable that teachers teaches their student by understanding their psychological wishes and in which subject they are interested as a result the student get depressed and that leads to his dark future. Here the students are more dependent upon their teachers than with themselves. This also leads that most of the student’s future gets into darkness just because of not believing in own self.
 If a country want to be developed than its all citizen should be well educates as male population as female population. And When all the population of a country is well educated, than that country is half developed. As the populations are well educated, it doesn’t need more time to compete with a well developed country of modern days. So if a country wants to be developed than each and every citizen of that country should be well educated and well informed about the importance of education.


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